As life is given us only once I try to live it in the best and useful way. So I usually spent the rest of time reading various interesting books or magazines or doing special exercises useful for brain, for example. I could solve puzzles. When I didn't manage to do all my homework at home the large break was mainly the time when I had an opportunity to finish it.
At 3 o'clock when my classes were over I stayed at lyceum to play volleyball or to do some crafts. Our lyceum administration arranged several kinds of extra-class activities like concerts, debate clubs and sports competitions. Honestly I wasn't their active participant, but I took part in them from time to time. Frequently I was back home later than 5 o'clock. On my way home I went to the baker's to buy some white and brown bread, biscuits and cakes. In the evenings I was busy doing my homework. There were subjects which required a lot of homework to be done and I usually spent most of my time on them. The English language, as it was my main subject, took me no less than three hours to be done. Belarusian and Russian literatures took me a lot of time as well as I should read a lot, wrote different compositions and thought over various problems of our life. These subjects had never seemed easy to me.
When late evening came and I had some free time left, which happened very seldom, I went for a walk with my friends. But I rarely sat in front of the TV set, as I prefer meeting friends to merely watching TV. Besides I'm keen on music. Listening to music makes me feel relaxed and calm. Sometimes it even helped me to do my homework. I was in the habit of doing two things together, for instance, listening to music and at the same time reading a book or writing a composition. I don't know why but music didn't prevent me from productive work and didn't draw my attention away. On the contrary it helped me. Here I should say that there were not many household chores that I did in my final year as my parents understood that I was preparing for entering the university and they tried to set me free from spending my precious time on anything else but studying. But in spite of it I had little time for rest; I think working hard is the right thing to do if you want to achieve something in life.
At about eight o'clock we usually had supper and all our family gathered in the kitchen. I should mention that it was the only time when we could see one another and talk about different things. We shared our joys and sorrows; discussed our plans for the next day. As for my supper it was usually light as I had dinner very late (at 5 or 6 o'clock), that's why I was not hungry when time came to have supper.
At about 11 o'clock I usually had a bath and then I went to bed. When I went to bed I often thought about possible careers and dreamt of becoming reach and famous due to an outstanding talent that no one had discovered yet (just like they do in the movies). Then I allowed myself to worry a bit about lyceum, my future, the next day, what I looked like, what people thought about me and what I could do to change the way people thought about me. I usually fell asleep at midnight.
Generally I try to plan my working day. I think it helps not to waste time on trifles and to do all the things at a time. I like punctuality, exactness, when everything has its own place. To my mind it is easier to live then. When my working day is planned I don't waste time on thinking what to do, so I have more time to do various useful things. When my working day is over I usually think about what things I have done and what this day has brought to me. If I understand that I have enriched my knowledge, learnt useful things and practiced to do something important I consider that this day turns out well. I try not to leave things till last time. But not long ago it was my weak spot. It I had to learn something by heart I did it on the last evening, if I had a lot to read I did it at night. Of course sometimes I didn't manage to do all the things I needed. I'd like to admit that my mum always said that I shouldn't leave things for tomorrow if I could do them today. At present I agree with her completely. So I have managed to get rid of this weak spot.
And in conclusion I'd like to say I'm happy to live a busy life. It is more interesting, exciting and instructive. When you are busy life doesn't seem to be boring.
Education is the main people's wealth and lots of them consider it the sense of living. They get education from early childhood and learn until their hair is grey. To my mind, education plays an important role in people's lives, that's why a great attention is paid to it.
School is one of our most significant institutions. School teaches reading, writing, the use of mathematics and other basic skills needed in everyday life. It increases people's knowledge of the world and themselves and helps them understand the rapid changes that take place in modern society. In schools pupils learn their responsibilities and rights as citizens, improve their ability to think critically, and develop such basic values as truth, justice and equality.
People throughout the world attend schools, but the quality of schools varies among countries. Today most of countries have well-developed educational systems and I'd like to mention that Belarus is among these countries. It embraces 11,000 educational establishments. The republic guarantees its citizens the right to universal secondary education and creates means for further professional education. It tries to preserve the democratic character of education paying much attention to common human values, developing independent critical thinking instead of simple perception of information. But in spite of it, education in our country faces various problems nowadays.
It seems to me that the greatest problem for a school today is that all subjects are compulsory and pupils have no opportunity to choose the subjects they want to learn deep. Thousands of pupils have to spend a lot of time sitting and thinking over the subjects they don't like, don't need or don't understand. It usually drives them mad (I know it for sure) and they start hating this or that subject or become indifferent to it. So if I were a Minister of education I would organize education in another way. In my opinion, some subjects should be optional so that children could choose their favourite ones out of the formal curriculum. I think that such education is better and more effective.
Also in my personal view, schooling doesn't bring practical experience for young people. To my mind learning only theory by textbooks isn't enough. In every school should be chemical and biological laboratories where pupils who want to know more could work with their teachers after the classes. To my great regret not every school has a good computer centre. I think that special excursions to the corners of our native country should be organized for pupils who are interested in History. It isn't only useful but interesting as well. And of course, it would be great if the children who want to connect their lives with foreign languages could go to the countries where these languages are spoken and spend there some time, communicating with native speakers.
To my mind these problems of schooling should be solved as soon as possible.
Now when my school years have been over I can say with certainty that it is fairly difficult to learn and that schooling brings hundreds of sleepless nights, impaired nerves and millions of hours learning and learning. But on my first day at school many years ago I knew almost nothing about school.
As far as I remember, during the last two years at the kindergarten I was dreaming to go to school, because I found attendance of the kindergarten boring and I disliked almost all its rules. For example, I couldn't sleep at a daytime, but our governor always tried to make me sleep but in spite of it, while all children were sleeping I was thinking about school.
And finally the first September of 1995 came. I'm sure I can never forget that day. It occurred on a sunny bright day when birds sang and trees were still in leaves I got up early on that day because I felt excited and started awakening my parents. Then we ate, got dressed and went to school. I was ready for going to school, as at the age of seven I could read, write, count and paint, I had a good memory and learnt some Russian verses and some English words.
On my way to school I was thinking about this establishment School was a magic word for me. While walking I felt a bit nervous. It wasn't fear but the feeling of something new, unexpected that I would meet. I was accompanied by both of my parents and elder brother who was going to the 6th form.
My teacher and classmates met me at a school yard and after a solemn part we went to our classroom. Then there was a little excursion around the school. The teacher showed us a canteen, a gym, different classrooms, etc. I spent the whole day at school. It was the happiest day in my school life because my dream had come true. Both the teacher and new classmates became my friends. That day was unforgettable.
Years passed and my impressions about school changed. I began to learn different subjects, new teachers appeared and school became a typical place where I spent the largest part of the day. Long grey days started but the first day would be in my memory forever. My first teacher also will be in my soul and heart. Frankly speaking she was my favourite teacher and I'm sure that she can be called an ideal teacher. She was an excellent teacher, not just a person teaching us subjects but a helper, an adviser and a friend. And what is no less important her attitude to the pupils was always friendly and tolerant. She was always interested in her pupils' health and atmosphere in our families. When a pupil was in trouble she usually gave him or her a piece of advice, if a pupil was ill our teacher always phoned him. Her lessons were always interesting and unusual. She arranged various discussions and we took active part in them. She really had a gift to teach!
But our life passes so fast that sometimes we don't even notice how fleeting it is; so my first four years at school spent with my beloved teacher, flashed by very quickly.
I went to the secondary school. Though studying was not an easy thing to do I never felt homesick. I should say that I was lucky to study at an English specialized school. There I got proper trainings in such subjects as English, German, Literature and History. But school for me was not only lessons and learning: I had a lot of friends there. It was an unforgettable time full of joys and trouble, of happiness and unimaginable adventures. I'm sure that school taught me a lot, first of all in educational sphere. Thanks to school and my teachers I became intelligent and educated person. But school gave me a lot not only in educational sphere. I became more persistent and stubborn. Diligence, attention and accuracy - all these qualities school developed in me every day. I had many friends at school and good relations with my teachers. School was like my second home.
But after the 9th form I entered Gomel State Regional Lyceum. It's one of the best educational establishments in my native town that is famous for its high-quality teaching and good equipment. Frankly speaking it was difficult for me to leave my school, as I'd spent a long span of life there. I came to school when I was a little girl, but when I was leaving it I was a grown-up person who knew what she was going to be. But honestly I was really happy to enter the lyceum because the atmosphere there was so warm and pleasant, both teachers and students were one large and friendly family.
I want to say that lyceum is one modern schools in Belarus as it is a new type of educational establishments.
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