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The second phase of reaction consists of restoration of spent resources of contradiction which usually proceeds as a transitional process of fluctuation. Please, note that frequencial fluctuation spectrum depends on the original phase and on the moment when contradiction intensity arises [118].
The elaboration of conceptual apparatus for living homeostatic systems (chapter II) has led to the notion of «free will» - a notion which has exited the mankind for many thousand years. The «free will» turned out to be a quality of any level of organization for living things for which the concept of integrity is applicable.
»The «free will» is an ability for homeostats to switch over the inputs of qualitatively different informational currents without the loss of integrity qualities».
The same chapter deals with conditions for quantitative formations of functional sub-units to go over into a new quality of integrating whole. It is pointed out that the characteristics for homeostats to join, to stik together are of fractural character. The mechanism of functional similiarity of the Universe's systems based upon the homeostatic principle of unity of processing and realization of information creates a unique prerequisite to cognize all laws of the Universe development down to the moment of primary duality's origin.
Chapter III deals with different levels of organization of living things from intercellular mechanisms and ending with the whole totality of the planet's population. This is indeed the first attempt of such an approach and it can not comprise all thinkable peculiarities of living substance. Nevertheless such an approach turns out to be rather constructive because many conformities to natural laws, scientifically explaned before, not only correspond to the homeostatic scheme in the most natural way, but give possibility to foretell not revealed appropriatenesses and to link together single facts and phenomena of life.
In the system of medical knowledge the homeostatic approach appears to be not only a methodological principle which enables to put in order and to survey the voluminous factual material accumulated by the canonical science. Homeostatics as a scientific branch which deals with purely informational interactions in controlling processes enables one to take the accumulated practical material for healing by non-canonical methods to which material information carriers, correcting the state of an organism, are either unknown or not satisfactorily studied. Nevertheless practical application of non-canonical methods gives in many cases a good therapeutic effect also when officially approved methods are not effective or dangerous because of health complications. Researches on physics of these phenomena in the long run will lead to creating devices and systems regenerating the health on the new principles of bringing information into the organism.
The man as a universal information system can himself, by changing his inner characteristics bring about an understanding of previously ignored infomation and purposefully generate such information currents which will stabilize the other peoples' homeostasis. Different expierences of changing the state of consciousness, thanks to the control of the inner state of organs and systems, may contribute to the development of such qualities. Therefore just the medical homeoststics being based on the totality of all facts accumulated by different branches of medicine, physiology, phsychology, biophysics etc. appears to be a science that disposes of the apparatus to study all kinds of information processes.
Preface.............................................................................................................. 3
Introduction....................................................................................................... 5
Part I................................................................................................................. 8
Homeostatics as a branch of science............................................................ 8
The history of development of homeostatics................................................ 8
The conceptual apparatus of general homeostatics ....................................... 10
On some pathologies of homeostats and their models ................................... 19
Part II ............................................................................................................... 25
Special features of homeostats of living systems ............................................ 25
The conceptual apparatus of the model of living systems ............................... 25
The concept of (a)symmetry of homeostat nets ............................................. 28
Integrity, range of self-dependency ............................................................... 30
Compensation and adaptation processes ....................................................... 30
Some qualities of symmetrical and non-symmetrical homeostats ..................... 31
On conditions necessary for the existence and the evolution of homeostats ..... 34
Part III .............................................................................................................. 37
Homeostatics of biological systems ............................................................... 37
Introduction .......................................................................................... 37
The homeostatic model for the genetic apparatus' functioning .................. 39
The generalized homeostatic model for the gene's functioning .................. 39
The transcription mechanism's homeostatic model ................................... 41
On the homeostatic model of the genetic information replicacy ................ 42
The homeostatic model of translation ...................................................... 43
On the cellular symmetrical homeostat .......................................................... 45
Composition of basic structural and functional units ................................ 45
Approaches to the construction of the cell's homeostatic model ............... 47
The homeostatic model of the tissue's functioning ......................................... 49
The pathology of the tissue homeostats ................................................... 54
The homeostic model of the tissue systems (organs) ...................................... 57
On the homeostatic model of organism as the whole ...................................... 59
Population as homeostat ............................................................................... 65
Homeostats of eco-systems .......................................................................... 71
Part IV .............................................................................................................. 75
The medical homeostatics ............................................................................ 75
The medical homeostatics in the system of medical disciplines, methods and spheres of application ...................................................................... 75
Analysis of literature on homeostatic therapy ........................................... 81
Classification of training methods ........................................................... 85
Schools and doctrines heightening potentions for conscious change of psyho-logical functioning of organism (training on paradigms) ............................. 87
Methods of direct healing training ........................................................... 88
Classification of methods of diagnostics ....................................................... 89
Classification of methods of healing .............................................................. 89
Aquiring of knowledge for psychophisiological training ................................. 92
Methodological aspects of psycho-training .............................................. 92
A course of psycho-regulation training for beginners ............................... 96
Preparation for a lesson .................................................................. 97
Structure of a group lesson ............................................................ 98
Formulas for verbal suggestion and their dynamic features ....................... 98
Some notes about situations occuring during the training ........................ 101
Formulas for verbal suggestion in the 2nd and 3rd lesson .......................... 105
Course of psycho-regulating training of the 2nd grade .............................. 108
Course of psycho-regulating training of the 3rd stage................................ 114
Hands training for distance diagnostics ......................................................... 115
Training the hands ................................................................................. 116
Exercises for fingers .............................................................................. 117
Exercises for palms ............................................................................... 119
Exercises for controlling the energetic stream .......................................... 120
Exerses for perfection the process of diagnosing .................................... 122
The manual distance diagnostics ................................................................... 124
Definition of limits and qualitative characteristics of the bio-field .............. 124
Topical diagnosing with the help of the bio-field ...................................... 126
Work with extacted organ phantoms ....................................................... 135
Diagnosing with the help of photography and image ................................ 136
Diagnosing with eyes ............................................................................. 137
Contact and contactless rhythmo-diagnosing .......................................... 137
Diagnosing of information infections ...................................................... 139
Diagnosing with the help of indicators (frame or pendulum) .................... 141
Method of diagnosing after F.D.Fox ...................................................... 145
Diagnosing by Omur's ring test .............................................................. 145
Curing ........................................................................................................ 147
Some aspects of distant influence .......................................................... 147
General principles for conducting contact and distance therapy................ 152
Manual curing. Passes ........................................................................... 153
Examples of curing some illnesses ......................................................... 158
Headache ........................................................................................ 158
Hipertension .................................................................................... 160
Hipotonia ........................................................................................ 162
Cardiopathies ...................................................................................... 163
Cardioalgies .................................................................................... 164
Myocardial infarction ....................................................................... 164
In the case of higher bloodpressure in the little circle of blood circulation ...................
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