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On the whole he is an absolute nothing.
Урок 5
Do your children often smile?
My grandpa is a terrible panic-monger: he never smiles and talks over his problems rather seldom.
His dad is so great! He always smiles and he is never angry with me.
Is your husband a scientist? — Yes, he is, that's why he is at home so seldom: you know he works both on Saturdays and on Sundays.
Frankly speaking, your son isn't a blockhead, he is just a real idler, although, to tell the truth he is bad at math.
He is late so often, so he almost always goes to work by taxi. - True! It is in his way!
Are you good at languages? — I think so. You see, I speak both English and Russian quite fluently. I am a journalist and generally speaking I am a sociable person.
Her cousin is a stay-at-home. She seldom goes even to see her relatives.
Your children always giggle at me, so it's naturally, that I lose temper, especially in the evenings when I am tired after a hard working day.
My husband and I always quarrel and then make it up…That's our life!
Урок 6
Frankly speaking, she is a fascinating woman and a hard-worker as well. By the way, she can cook and, to my mind, she cooks every day.
My dad is an outstanding personality: he is a great optimist and always hopes for the Best.
Can you drive a car? — No, I can't, but my husband can.
Your brother is a real charmer! I've got a feeling, that he never fights and can't use strong/bad language at all!
His mother is a terrible niggard! I can't stand it!
Their son is an unlucky fellow. He always tries to do his Best, but he never succeeds in life, because he can't persist in his opinion.
Your daughter can neither wash nor cook! She is a worthless housekeeper! And I can't stand it!
Can this nasty bore laugh? — Just imagine, but she can!
Your aunt never tidies. May be she can't do it.
My husband is a sociable person. He can make friends.
Урок 7
Do you often have headaches?
Why do you always eat running out of doors and never have dinner at home?
He always has a lot of good pupils: he has a nose for talented kids.
He is such a dear! But he always has his head in the clouds, so / that's why he has problems with his relatives.
Do you know a thing or two of modern art? — Honestly speaking, I know very little.
Does she have a good ear for music? — In my opinion/to my mind/ it seems to me she has a very good ear for music, but unfortunately she isn't interested in music at all.
He usually has a walk with his dog in the evenings.
It seems to me, that our president has his heart in the right place, but the situation in our country often gets worse after his decrees.
Has he got a car? — No, he hasn't got a car, but he has a wonderful bike.
Just imagine! He has a cheek to use bad language at my lessons!
Урок 8
I don't usually drink coffee, but I'm drinking it at the moment.
I don't usually eat ice cream, but I'm eating it now.
I don't usually read cheap novels, but I'm reading at the moment.
I don't usually quarrel with my parents, but I'm quarrelling now.
I don't usually have dinner at home, but I'm having dinner at home at the moment.
I don't usually read in the evenings, but I'm reading now.
He doesn't usually watch horror-films, but he is sitting and watching it with great pleasure at the moment.
He never cribs at the lessons, for some reason but he is cribbing at the moment.
We always enjoy Parfenov's programmes, but we are working at the moment and, unfortunately, aren't watching his regular masterpiece.
For some reason he is smoking at the moment, but frankly speaking, he doesn't smoke at all.
I'm reading a terrible novel now although I don't usually read cheap novels.
We are eating ice-cream at the moment, we don't usually eat ice-cream in such cold weather though.
Why are you looking at her with such hatred? You always treat your subordinates kindly enough, don't you?
She is working at the moment, but to tell the truth it doesn't happen very often.
Are you working now? — No, we aren't. We seldom work after dinner.
Are you busy now?
Are you having dinner now?
Have you got money? / Have you got any money?
Can you see anything at the moment? / Do you see anything at the moment?
Do you want something?
Are you working at the moment?
Do you doubt at the moment?
What are you doing now?
What are you smelling? / What are you smelling now?
What are you reading at the moment?
What do you hear now?
I am not working; I'm having dinner at the moment.
I don't understand you. What do you mean?
It smells bad, I can't be here.
I usually go to work by car, but it's warm now, there is a wonderful smell of spring in the air, so I am walking, talking rubbish with you/ chatting about small matters with you.
Do you want to taste this juice? Look! Your brother is tasting and it seems to me/to my mind/in my opinion he is enjoying it!
I'm phoning you from the hotel. I have a wonderful room and I'm having a very good time: I'm admiring sunset, smelling the flowers and waiting for you!
Are you having dinner now?
Why are you being so silly?
20. Your offer sounds delicious.
Урок 9
1. Girl! Come here! Help me! I'm feeling bad.
2. I am not watching TV. Turn it off, please.
3. Don't come up to the door! Somebody is standing there! I hear some sounds!
4. What are you doing? Why are you making so much noise? Turn off your tape-recorder immediately/at once!
Don't drink tap water! It is tasteless.
What is he doing there? Call him at once!
Children! Stop screaming! My head is splitting!
8. Stop call names! You are misbehaving! That's the limit!
9. Don't listen to her! She is always talking rubbish!
Stop moaning! You don't usually do like this, do you? What's going on?
Translate all the sentences into English quickly and don't do silly mistakes while translating.
Look at me! Say «cheese»! Turn! Tidy your hair! Don't bend! Draw yourself up! Do you hear me? That's right! Good for you! You are looking fine now! But to tell the truth you usually look like a shabby chicken.
Stop quarrelling! Stop making a row in the presence of the strangers!
Calm down! There is nothing to worry about! Pull yourself together! You always can see daylight, can't you?
I don't know what's going on! Don't phone me! I don't want to see you!
Don't bother me! I'm working!
Leave her alone! Stop sticking to her!! Don't bother her! She is working on her dissertation, you see!
Stop making these terrible sounds! I'm trying to concentrate but you are always distracting me!
You are always making me angry! I can't live like this any more!
20. Why are you always looking at me like this? Stop it! I don't like it!
Урок 10
1. I often dance. I am dancing now. I have been dancing since morning.
2. Do I often dance? Am I dancing now? Have I been dancing since morning?
3. I don't watch TV. I am not watching TV at the moment. I have not been watching TV sincechildhood.
4. I usually watch cartoons on Sundays. I'm watching cartoons with my children now. I have beenwatching cartoons for two hours.
What do you usually drink? What are you drinking now? What have you been drinking since morning?
Where do you have dinner every day? Where are you having dinner now? Why have you been having dinner for two hours?
Where do you work? Where are you working now? How long have you been working here?
8. He seldom plays alone. He is playing alone at the moment. He has been playing alone for 3 hours.
9. Why do you often look at me? Why are you looking at me so lightly? Why have you been looking atme without rest for several minutes?
10. Do you often write letters to your relatives? Are you writing a letter to your mum mow? Have youbeen writing letters since morning?
11. My talkative neighbour speaks on the phone too often. Is your husband speaking on the phone now?Why has this chatterbox been hanging on the phone at least for an hour?
How long have you been waiting for me?
How long has it been raining?
How long have you been working here?
How long has he been smoking?
Урок 11
I eat every day. I am eating now. I have been eating since morning. I ate yesterday.
Do you eat every day? Are you eating now? Have you been eating since 12 o'clock? Did you eat yesterday?
She often drinks coffee. Is she drinking coffee now? She has been drinking coffee for a few years. She drank coffee 2 hours ago.
My mum cooks well. My mum is making dinner at the moment. My mum has been making dinner since she came from work. My mum didn't make dinner yesterday.
They don't usually have dinner together. They aren't having dinner now. They haven't been having dinner together for the whole year. They didn't have dinner yesterday.
What do you usually do in the evenings? What are you doing now? What have you been doing for a good hour? What did you do yesterday?
He never reads. Is he reading now? He has been reading since morning. Did he read anything yesterday?
Why are you always looking at me like this? Why aren't you looking at me now? How long have you been looking at me? Don't look at me! He looked at me so coldly yesterday. Stop looking at me! I can't look at people so lordly as she can.
Where did you see this film? Don't bother me; I'm watching my favourite soap opera! Fancy that, she has been watching this soap opera for 5 years! We don't usually watch TV on weekdays. Stop watching this rubbish! Did you watch soap operas in childhood?
Do you ever sleep? She has been sleeping just for a few minutes, please, don't wake her up! Are you sleeping? I didn't sleep last night, it was terrible. Don't sleep! We are in a great hurry!
Урок 12
She would bring flowers from the country. Yesterday she brought flowers from the country.
We would call names at the lessons. Why do children call names so often? My children never call names.
I never shout at my children. Do you shout at your children? Stop shouting at the children! Why did you shout at your children yesterday? You are always shouting at your children! She would shout at her children. Don't shout at the children!
Why are you always snapping? Ill-mannered children always snap at the lessons. Hooligans would snap at the lessons.
She would sing something in a thin voice. Did you sing in childhood? Do you often sing? Stop singing! Just imagine! She has been singing since morning! I am not singing, I'm just sitting and looking through the window.
She would treat us in the evenings. Did they treat you yesterday? You never treat us.
Why are you always showing off? He would show off at the lessons in childhood. In my opinion, he has been showing off since childhood.
Can you bring up children? Nobody can bring up children, as it should be. Stop bringing me up at last / after all!
She would sob of offence. Do you often cry? You know, sometimes I cry on nothing. She has been crying for 2 hours. I can't believe, that she has been crying since morning.
What are you looking for? How long have you been looking for him? Did you look for him yesterday? We would look for him for hours. I never look for my glasses.
Урок 13
Are there many English books in your library?
There used to be a lot of English books in my library.
Is there a cinema in your street? — Yes, there is. But it used to be a theatre.
There is a little cloud in the sky.
There used to be a sofa in the kitchen.
There are 2 beds in the room.
There used to be a large number of people outdoors in the evenings.
He used to be a teacher and now he is a manager at the supermarket.
We used to go fishing when I was a child.
Did you use to go hiking when you lived in England?
Урок 14
I show off every day. I'm showing off now.
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