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М., Котовский Г.Г. История Индии. М., 1973.
Мировоззрение Джавахарлала Неру. М., 1973.
Насенко Ю.П. Джавахарлал Неру и внешняя политика Индии. М., 1975.
Юнель А.И. Советско-индийские связи. 1917 — 1939. М., 1979.
Азад А.К. Индия добивается свободы. М., 1961.
Ганди М.К. Моя жизнь. М., 1969.
Датт Палм Р., Индия сегодня. М., 1948.
Прасад Р. Автобиография. М., 1961.
A Bunch of old letters written mostly to J. Nehru and some
written by him. Bombay, 1958.
Nehru's letters to his sister. London, 1963.
A Study of Nehru. Edited by R Zakaria. Bombay, 1964.
Brecher M. Nehru: A Political Biography. London, 1959.
Grocker W. Nehru. A Contemporary's Estimate. London, 1966.
Dutt S. With Nehru in the Foreign Office. Calcutta, 1977.
EdwardesM. Nehru. A Political Biography. London, 1971.
Gopal S. Jawaharlal Nehru A Biography. Vol. I, London, 1976.
Kamath H.V. Last days of Jawaharlal Nehru. Calcutta, 1977.
Karanjia R.К. The Mind of Mr. Nehru. London, 1960.
Kripalani K.R. Gandhi, Tagore and Nehru. Bombay, 1949.
Lal K. Jawaharlal Nehru. Promise and Perfomance. Delhi, 1970.
Mende T. Conversations with Mr. Nehru. London, 1956.
Menоn K.P.S. The Flying Troika. Oxford University Press, 1963.
Moraes F. Jawaharlal Nehru. A Biography. New York, 1956,
Nanda B.R. The Nehrus: Motilal and Jawaharlal. London, 1965.
K. Nehru. Hutheesing with A. Hatch. We Nehrus. New York, 1967.
Radhakrishnan S. On Nehru. Delhi, 1965.
Range W. Jawaharlal Nehru's World View. University of Georgia Press, 1961.
Rао V.К.R.V. The Nehry Legacy. Bombay, 1971.
Chalapathi Rau Jawaharlal Nehru. Delhi, 1973.
Seton M. Panditj. A Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru. New York, 1967.
Shorter B. Nehru. A Voice for Mankind. New York, 1970.
Spencer С. Nehru of India. New York, 1948.

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